Solution Introduction

Introducing various solutions from EMAX Hitech Co., Ltd.


1. Sales Management - Overview

We have developed and own an extended ERP system centered on industry-specific ERP products, and we are cooperating with various solution partners based on inter-solution linkage.

ERP-Open Solution ERP


ERP - Package

ERP - ASP Service

Unit Module - Accounting/Human Resources

Development Platform - “Frame7”

Extended ERP

Groupware (Corporate Portal)

MES/APS(Automation Scheduler)



Mobile / PDA

EIS / Management Analysis Solutions / General Affairs



FTA Certificate of Origin / Customs Duty Refund

WMS / Mobile

BI(Dash Board)



1. MS-based technology
Microsoft's latest foundational technologies

.net Framework

Visual Studio .net


2. Self-developed platform
Have a self-developed platform

Utilizing ERP dedicated development platform

Save 50% of development time

Ease of source identification and management

3. Consortium
Open Solution Business Consortium

Corporate Information Solution Cooperative

Automotive Parts Industry Information Forum

ERP integration service

2. System Configuration Diagram - Logistics/APS/SCM

Based on all the know-how we have accumulated while continuously developing ERP systems, we will build an ERP system suitable for our customers and provide as many modules as possible to all departments so that the company-wide system can be completed.
시스템 구성도 - 물류/APS/SCM

3. System Configuration Diagram - Management Accounting/e-HR

The accounting/personnel system is a collection of various modules that can be selected and built by system according to the scope of construction. Integrated operation with ERP/groupware, etc. is supported, and expandable operation is possible in preparation for interfaces with other systems and system integration.
시스템 구성도 - 관리회계/e-HR

4. System Configuration Diagram - ESS

In addition to automatically resolving inter-system linkage by integrating ERP systems and DBs, it also includes basic groupware functions as well as linkage modules for company-wide operations such as accounting, personnel, and attendance systems that are essential for companies, as well as various general affairs management tasks for implementing a document-less office.
ptimized for implementing a paperless office with ESS based on electronic approval system

The Need for Comprehensive
Operational Services

By providing information within the ERP system company-wide and allowing necessary employees to directly view it, we improve the process to eliminate unnecessary work and enhance the work of field workers.

Ensure that employees understand and apply for in-house welfare services that should be provided as a matter of course, and do not generate unnecessary documents.

Welfare services through Ambassador Service

대사우 서비스를 통한 복리후생 서비스
ESS (including electronic approval)

5. Providing integrated ERP construction functions for multiple corporations and multiple workplaces

Our Open Solution ERP system supports the construction of group ERP. It supports multiple corporations/multiple workplaces/multiple languages/multiple currencies, and supports the construction of a group integrated computer room so that all systems can be operated on one server and one DB.
Providing multi-legal support and management foundation for global group application
다법인 및 복수 사업장 통합 ERP 구축 기능 제공
Supports project development planning and overall project management,
product code, BOM, and other product standard information and change history

Construction goals

A system that allows you to understand the flow of sales information step by step.

A user system centered on the field, including management and field workers

Establishing a system to eliminate duplicate work and share information

Easy to interface with other business systems

Building effect

Establish a detailed sales plan

Provides fast and accurate information on sales trends

Support for sales activities through the establishment of an integrated export system from Offer, Order to Production, B/L, and Nego Support for various sales settlement processes

Establishing a system that can analyze and utilize field- and user-centered information to improve work processing efficiency

Reduction of related management tasks (funds, accounting, budget, personnel, payroll, etc.) through linkage with related systems

  • Sales plan
  • Shipping Plan
  • Sales Management
  • Transportation Management
  • Cash management
  • Unit price management
  • Dealership Management
  • Collection Management
  • Order Management
  • CID linkage
  • Courage Management
  • A/S Management
  • Quotation Management
  • Order Management
  • Transaction statement
  • Tax invoice
Supports calculation of raw material requirements for production plan and
establishment of optimal purchasing plan for timely supply

Construction goals

Rationalization of material procurement linked to product production plan

Real-time input of material usage performance. Support for collection and use as aggregate data.

외Outsourcing management and payment settlement

Optimization of inventory by establishing a material requirement planning function

Building effect

Reduce production costs by supporting the shortening of the raw/auxiliary material purchasing period

Reduce inventory costs by managing inventory appropriately through annual and monthly planning

Improve work productivity by automating the collection of material requirements and order quantities

Improved productivity through quick and accurate inventory grasp and timely supply of materials through systemization of receipt/disbursement, inventory management, and receipt/disbursement performance management

Maintaining appropriate inventory levels between businesses by sharing inventory information

  • Required plan
  • Purchase request
  • Material ordering
  • Material receipt
  • Material claim
  • Outsourcing Management
  • Material receipt and payment
  • Inventory Management
  • Purchase Management
  • Product sales
  • Estimation of expected defects
  • LOT Management
  • Purchase Returns
  • Outsourcing processing order
  • Unit price management
  • Baseline infor
Establishes production plans/work plans based on optimal work standard information and
production capacity information and provides production performance analysis information.

Construction goals

Preventing delays in delivery by establishing a planning system that prioritizes delivery on time

Improve productivity through production planning based on process-specific capability standards

Improve productivity through smooth process management

Collection of production performance data through real-time tracking for each process and rapid response to abnormalities

Building effect

Establishing a unified production plan establishment function that takes into account sales plans, orders, production capacity, etc.

Establish a plan change function that is quick and accurate when changing plans such as additions, changes, and cancellations.

Establishment of various statistical and analysis information functions to speed up decision-making

Production is made by integrating the standard information DB such as process capability, production standard time, standard loss rate, production performance sales plan, and order into a DB.

  • production plan
  • Load analysis
  • Work instructions
  • Routing Management
  • Production performance
  • Work efficiency
  • Process Inspection
  • Cash management
  • Fair trade
  • Inadequate management
  • Attendance management
  • Dental care
  • Outsourcing processing
  • Facility efficiency
  • Item change
  • Baseline information
Track product history by work unit, manage action results for claims, and
provide analysis functions to identify problems and improve factors.

Construction goals

Securing a preventive quality management system and building an integrated quality analysis D/B

Management of quality standard information and product design technology information

Establishment of a system for analyzing factors that cause inspection, performance, and claims

Quality inspection instructions and performance, product judgment results management

Building effect

Quality LOT tracking automation reduces the time required for manual tracking and improves work efficiency

Provides various analysis functions to predict causes of abnormalities

Reduces the time required to write various quality-related reports, such as notifications of nonconforming products

Improved reliability through quality assurance

Reduce defect rate and enhance product competitiveness

Cost reduction through loss reduction

Issuance of various quality certificates

  • Import inspection
  • Process Inspection
  • Final inspection
  • Inspection report
  • Inadequate management
  • Special recruitment management
  • Field Issue Management
  • Claims Management
  • Past Product Management
  • Report a quality problem
  • Instrument Management
  • Process FMEA
  • ISIR
  • 4M change history
  • Reliability Syrum
  • Periodic inspection
Set various distribution criteria, aggregate by cost center,
and calculate cost by element, division, and product by linking with other systems.

Construction goals

Easy provision of cost management

Cost analysis possible

Providing productivity and competitiveness

Providing timely management decisions through cost analysis

Building effect

Automation of cost calculation

Increased productivity through cost management

Establishing a cost reduction methodology

Profitability analysis through cost analysis by product/department

Evaluation of business performance through analysis of actual cost elements

Establishing standards for calculating post-mortem costs

Automatic link calculation after setting cost code for indirect cost allocation standard rate

  • Cost department code registration
  • Registration of inter-sector distribution standards
  • Account-specific distribution criteria registration
  • Distribution standard value registration
  • Manufacturing cost
  • Profit and loss by product
  • Profit and loss by factory
  • Profit and loss by business location
  • Cost data collection
  • Deadline
  • Item receipt and payment department
  • Warehouse receipts and payments department
  • Subcontracting material cost
  • Material cost by item
  • Electricity cost by item
  • Labor cost by item
Understands the flow of funds and financial status, provides forecast/statistical information on funds,
and implements a comprehensive accounting system for funds/taxes/fixed assets/budgets, etc.

Construction goals

Establishing a rational and efficient accounting information system

Maximize cost savings with an accounting system linked to your budget

Preventing double work and increasing added value of accounting work through linkage with other systems

Ensuring speed of settlement and supporting decision making

Unifying information flow through integration and standardization of accounting-related codes

Building effect

Cost reduction through budget control

User convenience through introduction of automatic resentment and differentiation of input screens

Diversification of processing required information through balance management by account/detailed management item

Support for establishing accurate financial plans according to short-term and long-term financial needs

Providing fast and accurate information on asset holdings and changes

  • Corporate accounting system
  • Corporate settlement unit
  • Accounting unit by corporation
  • Voucher Management
  • Bookkeeping
  • Financial Statements
  • Expenditure resolution
  • VAT Management
  • Asset Management
  • Financial planning
  • Bill management
  • Financial products
  • Settlement Management
  • Budget Management
  • Credit Card
  • CMS integr

Extension Solution-CMS

A service that provides real-time balances and transaction details of all banks held by a company, and allows efficient management of corporate accounts by transferring funds to business partners, etc. in real time through registered withdrawal accounts.

Provides year-end settlement/retirement settlement/4 major insurance management
based on personnel/salary/attendance, and provides automatic reporting function for
welfare/general affairs management and accounting system

Construction goals

Implementation of an efficient and appropriate salary system analysis system

Shortening work processing time by providing basic salary information quickly

To improve work efficiency and maximize productivity per person

Provision of timely management decision data through rapid grasp of personnel information

Building effect

Efficient payroll management functions such as preventing double entry of data

Provides various personal salary-related information quickly

Contribute to maintaining an appropriate human resource structure and efficient human resource management

Providing opportunities for creative work performance by escaping from simple repetitive tasks

Improving the efficiency of personnel information management, including eliminating double work in personnel record management

Supporting efficient human resource supply and policy decision-making

  • Organization Management
  • Personnel Information
  • Proof
  • Attendance Standard Information
  • Attendance
  • Wolgeuntae
  • Year/Month
  • Attendance application
  • Payroll processing
  • Bonus processing
  • Report of origin
  • Business income
  • Daily income
  • Year-end settlement
  • Retirement settlement
  • Social Insurance