About Us

We will become a company that prioritizes customer value creation.

Company History

  • Currently ~ 2023
    • 2023Smart Factory Division Wins "2023 Small and Medium Business Technology Management Award"
    • 2023Namseoul University Industry-Academic Cooperation Agreement Agreement Signed
    • 2023Acquired the management innovation type small and medium enterprise (MAIN-BIZ) from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
    • 2023Participation of smart factory supplier and establishment of MES system (Daehyun Incheon Plant, Korea Special, Taeyang, Agricultural Corporation Otgane)
    • 2023Seoul IT High School Business Cooperation Agreement Signed
  • 2022 ~ 2014
    • 2022Participation in smart factory supplier and establishment of MES system (Daehyun Gimpo Plant (Advanced 1))
    • 2021Participation of smart factory suppliers and establishment of MES system (Kind Arc Korea, HT Vision, HanGil SV)
    • 2020Participation of smart factory suppliers and establishment of MES system (Daehyun Gimpo Plant (basic), Fuco, Jungbu Biotech, Glusis)
    • 2019Participation in smart factory support project and establishment of MES system (Korea Special-2nd, Jindeul Bio, Woojung Hi-Tech-2nd, KCP Heavy Industries)
    • 2018Participation in smart factory support project and MES system construction (Daemyung Inex, Sungwoo Stargate, Hyunjin Metal)
    • 2018Participation in smart demonstration plant support project, establishment of IoT (remote facility control)/ERP/MES integrated system (Dongyang AK Korea)
    • 2018Participation in production site digitalization project (Woojung Bakeware)
    • 2017Participation in smart factory support project and establishment of MES system (Woojeong Hi-Tech-1, Intec Telecom)
    • 2016Development of IoT-applied automobile idling limit device selected as R&D project (core industrial technology project) by Korea Industrial Technology Evaluation and Planning Institute
    • 2016Participation in smart factory support project and MES system construction (Sehwa Engineering & Construction, Ilshin Stone, PSP, Korea Special-1)
    • 2015Participation in smart factory support project and establishment of MES system (Nextech, Samsung Metal)
    • 2014October Launch of EMAX-Frame9 in Open Source format and MOU signed, establishment of EMAX Hitech Co., Ltd.
  • 2013 ~ 2006
    • 2013Selection of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning IT Innovation Project and SCM Construction (Consortium SCM Construction of 20 Partner Companies from Korea, China, and Others)
    • 2012Selection of the Small and Medium Business Administration Management Innovation Platform Operator, Development of a Cloud-based LP Gas Sales Management System (Korea LP Gas Association Consortium)
    • 2011Selection of Small and Medium Business Administration Management Innovation Platform Operator, Cloud-based Wood Manufacturing Company Management System (Korea Wood Industry Cooperative Consortium)
    • 2010Construction of ERP system for Korea Electric Power Corporation Southern Power Plant
    • 2006 ~ 2013Participation in the Korea Technology Information Promotion Agency's production site digitalization project (Establishment of MES system for 20 companies including Cosmecca Korea)
    • 2006Launch and collaboration with other ERP companies in October for MES business division (MES solution sales, development, and MES business management)
    • 2006Establishment of a subsidiary in Qingdao, China in March (responsible for maintenance work for local companies)
  • 2005
    • 06Consortium selected as the main operator of the Small and Medium Business Administration's 'Industry-specific Information Innovation Cluster Support Project' (Korea Wood Industry Cooperative)
    • 05Small and Medium Business Administration Production Information Construction Support Project Selection and Completion (4 Companies)
    • 03Participation in the nonwoven industry project of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’s B2B network construction support project in March
  • 2004
    • 11SAP Korea Ltd, SBO (Small Business Partners) Partner Excellence Selection
    • 08Small and Medium Business Corporation IT 30,000 Projects ERP Sector 20 Companies Achieve Top Completion Rate - 100% Construction Completed
    • 06SMEs and Startups Agency "Industry-specific Information Innovation Cluster" Support Project Selection (Korea Elevator Industry Cooperative)
    • 04Establishment of the “KIM Technology Research Institute” corporate research institute by the Korea Business Technology Promotion Association
    • 02Small and Medium Business Administration's 'Cooperative Information Infrastructure Construction Project' Successfully Completion Award Plaque (Korea Nonwoven Fabric Industry Cooperative)
  • 2003
    • 12Selected as a cooperative information company by the Korea Federation of SMEs, Korea Federation of SMEs, and Korea Information Technology Management Institute (Korea Nonwoven Industry Cooperative Information Technology Infrastructure Construction Information Technology Project Performance Best Completed)
    • 12Small and Medium Business Corporation IT 30,000 Projects ERP Construction Completion Rate Achieved Top Rank (100% Construction Completion)
    • 06Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Small and Medium Business Corporation IT Grand Prize Winner ERP Successful Construction Completion (Chairman of Small and Medium Business Corporation)
    • 05Selected as the main company for the “Nonwoven Fabric Industry Cooperative Information Technology Project” supported by the Small and Medium Business Information Technology Management Center in May
  • 2002
    • 12Participated in the December Korea Software Industry Association ERP Council Committee
    • 12Small and Medium Business Administration's 'Cooperative Information Infrastructure Construction Project' Successfully Completion Award (Korea Craft Cooperative Federation Information Technology Project Implementation
    • 12Small and Medium Business Corporation IT 30,000 Projects ERP Construction Completion Rate Ranked 4th (100% Construction Completion)
    • 04Small and Medium Business Administration [Production Information Project] IT Company POOL Registration)
  • 2001
    • 08Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Small and Medium Business Support [30,000 IT Support Project] - Participation in ERP sector
    • 07SMART-ERP S/W field selected as the best product in Millennium Frontier for 2 consecutive years
  • 2000
    • 07Selected as the 2000 Millennium Frontier Product [Eutim] by the Korea Standards Association
    • 03Keycom Co., Ltd. and A-One System Co., Ltd. signed an outsourcing cooperation agreement for accounting and personnel payroll programs
    • 02Capital increase of 150 million won and stock public offering for KOSDAQ listing in February
  • 1999
    • 12RDAS Technology Support Center and 『ISO 9000 Certification Consulting』Strategic Partnership Agreement Signed
    • 11Opening of dealerships for ERP supply in November (contracts with 7 companies in 4 regions nationwide)
    • 10Small and Medium Business Administration New Technology Venture Company Designation
    • 04Korea Information Master Co., Ltd. was incorporated (capital of 50 million won)
  • 1997
    • 04Small and Medium Business Administration [Production Information Project] IT Company POOL Registration
    • 01January Internet Web Hosting Service, Home Page Production Business Started
    • 01Development of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) S/W package 『SMART-ERP 1.0』 for small and medium-sized enterprises
    • 01Client & Server Program Order Development
  • 1994
    • 04Development and supply of trade business software (Trade Wind), data linkage with KTNET trade EDI system
    • 04Integrated MIS software development (Sales, Purchase/Material, Production, Personnel, Payroll, Accounting) and supply
    • 05Baekma Soft founded